Bonne année 2018

Bonne année 2018 à tous, avec santé et bonheur.

Des voyages et des volcans !

Grandes amitiés. Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff

Le volcan Asahidake à Hokkaido au Japon libère de nombreuses fumerolles et se reflète dans « Sugatami no ike », le « lac du Regard » (© J.M. Bardintzeff).

Happy new year 2018 with health and happiness.

Expeditions and volcanoes !

Friendly from France. Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff

photo : Asahidake volcano, Hokkaido Japan, with numerous fumaroles and reflection in « Sugatami no ike », the « Look Lake » (© J.M. Bardintzeff).

6 réflexions sur « Bonne année 2018 »

  1. It was one of the highlights in 2017 for me to have met you and your group in Japan and hiked together.
    Best wishes for the new year!

    1. Dear Yumiko,
      Thanks for your kind message and photo of the snow capped beautiful mount Fuji.
      Happy new year 2018 for you and your family.
      A huge pleasure to meet you last summer in Hokkaido with the whole French “volcano” group.
      Friendly from France. Jacques-Marie

    1. Dear Mohammed, Thanks for your kind message. Happy new year 2018 for you and your family. Friendly from France. Jacques-Marie

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