Like the Italian artist and engraver Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778), whose follower he is, Jean-Pierre Luminet depicts space with passion and melancholy. By repeating ceaselessly black and white checkerboards, he evokes the notion of infinity and generates the dizziness of the glance. By disrupting the laws of classical perspective, he conjugates architectural immobility and time unsettledness. The artist immerses elements in a black ocean, and such a subtle interaction gives the sensation of perpetual time. Infinity is that aspiration felt by the man held on ground by gravitation. Jean-Pierre Luminet depicts this sensation by creating vanishing points towards which one feels irresistibly attracted.
Anne de Commines, Art critics
Je viens de lire l article de luminet ds le hors série de l obs de janv février 2016. La photographie de la lithographie m interpelle . Y a t il un site ou ou peut voir les œuvres graphiques qu il a réalisé . Ds l affirmative pourriez vous me passer le lien . Est il possible éventuellement de les acheter . Merci d avance pr les infos Jacqueline DURAND
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